"Show and Tell" of Martha's Quilting Projects

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                There were lots of projects in 2014!
         My latest quilting projects from 2012 and 2013.
Here are pictures of some of the college dorm quilts I've made recently. Here are pictures of the quilts I made in honor of our sons' Bar Mitzvahs.


Here are pictures of more baby quilts made from 2007 to 2011. Here are pictures of more wedding quilts made from 2006 to 2011.
This quilt for Diane and Fritz Green
was finished in February 2004.
These miniature quilts for Images Silent Auctions were donated to the New England Quilt Museum as fundraisers.
This wedding quilt for our cousins
Alison and Doug Plante was finished in August 2004.
I've made quilts for all 4 of my cousins Martin's and Marcy's children from 1993 through 2003.
Sara Rae's  1994 quilt is patriotic.  Her sister Brina Kuzel finally got her cat quilt just before her 4th birthday in December 2004. Here are the quilts I made for my cousin Jan's daughters, Hannah Rose and Emily Terrell Wells in 1998 and 2005.
Guido and Jalina Secchiaroli, my niece Dina's children both have animal quilts made in 2002 and 2004. This piano quilt is the lastest of 11 quilts I have made for Sonya and Jack Presberg's branch of my family between 1978 and 2005
Between 1994 and 2010 I made 4 wall-hangings for our living room, one for each season.  See and read about all four on this web page.

Bob's second cousin Mark Reid and his wife Kate live nearby in Carlisle. Their son Matthew and daughter Alison both started families recently giving me another excuse to make more baby quilts.

Last updated December 2014 by Martha P. Supnik