Four Seasons Wall Hangings

Autumn Leaves (1994)

We visited our son Ben on Parent's Weekend when he was a freshman at Brown University in Providence, RI in October 1994.  Driving south on the highway, the foliage was wonderful and inspired this quilt project.  The tessellating pattern was taken from Jackie Robinson's book and the quilt was cut and pieced on vacation in Little Cayman in December, then hand quilted at home in Carlisle.   This was the first of the four seasons series.

Winter Snowflakes (2003)

While stuck on the quilting on the Summer Sunshine quilt, I made this “Twinkling Star” wall hanging much more quickly.  It was machine pieced, hand quilted, and hand beaded from November 2002 to March 2003. That winter we had record snowfalls and wonderful skiing that reminded me of my childhood in Rochester, NY.

Summer Sunshine (2009)

Inspired by museum-quality antique quilts with tons of hand quilting, I machine pieced this “Summer Sunshine” quilt on vacation in Little Cayman in April 1995 and marked my original quilting pattern on our next family vacation to Bonaire in December 1995.  I began hand quilting it immediately but got stuck when the faint pencil marks became too light to see.  The quilt waited for my attention while I made many others until 2008.  I remarked the quilting pattern and finished the hand quilting in January 2009.  It was the second started but third finished in the series of four seasons wall-hangings for our living room.  I need to take a photo that shows the quilting better.

Spring Nosegay (2010)

I began planning and collecting fabrics for this “Spring Nosegay” quilt in Spring 1996 after finishing my autumn quilt and piecing the top of my summer quilt.  My sketches waited 13 years while I made the winter quilt and eventually finished the quilting on the summer quilt.  In Feb 2009 I bought the last of the fabrics and finally started this project.  It was machine pieced, hand appliquéd, and hand quilted, finishing in September 2010, making this the last of the four seasons wall hangings for our living room.

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