Autograph Quilts For Our Sons' Bar Mitzvahs

I found the pattern for this quilt called "Magic Squares" on Page 20 of the book 1001 Patchwork Patterns by Maggie Malone.  I've always loved patterns that appear 3-dimensional. I collected a rainbow of solid colors which provided space for all the guests at Ben's Bar Mitzvah luncheon on March 25, 1989 to autograph and doodle on the quilt.  It was machine pieced on vacation on Andros Island in the Bahamas the previous December and hand quilted at home in Carlisle.  It still hangs on the wall in our guest room, Ben's childhood bedroom.

Jonathan helped design his Bar Mitzvah Autograph quilt with overlapping six-pointed stars creating a transparency effect.  Like Ben's quilt, it was machine pieced and hand quilted, then autographed on the white background by all the family and friends who attended his Bar Mitzvah luncheon on November 13, 1993.  The writing has faded a bit since it's hung on his childhood bedroom door for nearly 20 years.

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