Ben Supnik and Lori Newman Baby Photos

We're so excited to be grandparents!

Gabriel Isaiah Supnik was born in
late June 2011
in Worcester, Massachusetts. 
He weighed 7 pounds, 4.6 ounces.

He's not a baby any more.
Click the photo to see it larger.

Martha and Gabriel

Bob and Gabriel

Jonathan and Gabriel

Parents and baby
 after Bris

3 weeks old and really cute

In the big bathtub
6 months old

The Jumperoo is bouncy fun

Can I reach that bowl of sweet potatoes?

I'm learning to
sit up

Bubi even enjoys diaper time

Lori's White Coat Ceremony
March 2, 2012
In the hammock on our porch Playing with
 Grandpa Bob
Standing with
just one hand

Toddling in
Bob's study

Playing the piano
with Ben
Baby sign language
for "more"
Stacking bagel toy Driving car on
our couch

Shoveling leaves
at 16 months

Sledding in early March Sock Monkey is Gabe's best pal Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake 2 years old at the end of June

Gabe loves to cook with his plastic food and dishes

Sock monkey eats whatever Gabe feeds him Gabe says "Cheers"
39 second video
Gabe tells us what the animals say
2+ minute video
Making turkey soup after Thanksgiving
2+ minute video
Gabe &
Sock Monkey ride his horse
1+ min video
New playground in Acton, MA In June I got him a Carlisle t-shirt Gabe's 3rd birthday party We both love cuddling in our hammock The tire horse at the Carlisle playground
His last day at daycare in Grafton Legoland Discovery Center in Boston Feeding a sheep at Greatbrook Farm Halloween costumes Brining the turkey in a Home Depot bucket
There was so much food at Thanksgiving! I showed Gabe some velcro and he made a toy vegetable necklace      

Click here for more early photos of Gabriel and to read Gabriel's BLOG which Ben hasn't updated in ages,
He's too busy keeping up with Gabriel to write about him!

Updated December 2014